The term transcendence in philosophy and theology indicates the character of a reality conceived elsewhere, "beyond" in relation to what we perceive; "he who transcends" is, in fact, he who "exceeds the limit". With the conviction of the existence of a “truth elsewhere”, beyond the images and their very matter, I analyze, scrutinize and map my own photographic panoramas, taking from them precise details which I then associate with poems composed especially for them. These details, obtained by a strong cropping, symbolize a kind of border between the surface, the content of the photograph and the unknown. The documentary form, a priori objective, of the photographic landscape is challenged by the immediate proximity of the fragments of images and the poems that accompany them.
Work composed by an image, taken in the technical room format 4x5', and 5 details, obtained from the latter, which are then associated with 5 poems.
Working area: North port of Antwerp.
Invisible forces were making that stand
The strings got tighter and tauter
The lines fluctuate in front of your eyes
You have the mouth but no teeth to eat
Water coming up your throat
As a wall of concrete
You stayed still